Pediatric Dental Care - Tooth Club for Kids

Pediatric Dental Care Procedures

Pediatric Dental Care

We understand that for some parents, pediatric dental care to restore a child’s baby tooth may not seem urgent. However, there are many long-term benefits to dental care. Our pediatric dentists can tell you more during your visit.


Baby Root Canals (aka Pulpotomy or Pulpectomy)

Baby root canals involve treating decay within the tooth. If the material inside of the tooth, known as the dental pulp, is damaged, it will gradually decay. Our dentist are skilled and gentle when removing the pulp, cleaning out the root canals, and packing the area with material that will help restore the tooth.

Pediatric Dental Crowns (Stainless Steel or White Crowns)

Stainless steel or white zirconium pediatric dental crowns are sometimes recommended by the dentist following a baby root canal or if a child’s back “baby tooth” suffers from a severe trauma or cavity. Dental crowns are recommended by our pediatric dental team when traditional fillings are insufficient to protect the tooth from further damage until it falls out on its own.

Pediatric Dental Fillings

Tooth-colored or composite fillings are the most lifelike options for filling cavities. Composite fillings can be done in one visit our pediatric dentist will ensure your child is comfortable and cared for during the entire visit.

Tooth Extractions

A tooth extraction is the removal of extremely decayed or damaged teeth. To perform an extraction, the area is anesthetized to minimize discomfort and the tooth is then rocked back and forth until it can be removed from its socket.

Extractions are commonly performed on pediatric patients to address tooth decay or orthodontic problems. Simple extractions are relatively easy to perform and can be done in the comfort of our office. However, if our dentist feels that the extraction is more complex, your child may be referred to an oral surgeon.

To help make the procedure as comfortable as possible for your child, we recommend the use of nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and a local anesthetic. In most cases, your child will not require stitches following the procedure. But to pay close attention to your child to ensure that he or she doesn’t bite the lip or the tongue while those areas are still numb from the anesthetic. If the child is bleeding excessively after the procedure, have him or her bite down on a piece of cotton gauze for 30 minutes. You can also try a wet tea bag. Your child should bite on it gently to avoid bursting the bag. The tannic acid in the tea should stop the bleeding within 15 minutes. Don’t allow your child to put their fingers in their mouth after the treatment.

As soon as the child’s mouth is no longer numb, he or she may begin eating soft foods. Be sure to avoid acidic foods such as spaghetti sauce and lemonade. Straws are not permitted for the first 48 hours following an extraction. Tooth brushing should be done with special care taken around the extraction site.

Make sure that your child avoids strenuous activity following the extraction, as this can increase or prolong bleeding. Twenty-four hours after the extraction, begin rinsing your child’s mouth with a salt-water solution. You can make your own solution by combining one teaspoon of salt in eight ounces of warm water. Give your child Tylenol or Motrin to keep the pain under control. If at any time you have concerns about bleeding or pain, please contact our office immediately.